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Go 2X as fast with hashtags

Create automatic alignment, prioritization, and more with hashtags

Scott Levy avatar
Written by Scott Levy
Updated over a year ago

Hashtags can be used everywhere in ResultMaps so you get more done in less time. In this article, we've compiled a full list of everything you can do with hashtags.

When creating a new item, simply add one of these to the beginning or end of the item title, and ResultMaps will treat the item accordingly.


Create priority for your to-do's, bringing them to the top of your Prioritizer and auto-sorting priority for those you delegate the item to.

#next or #toppriority raise an item to the top of the list priority.
#must works the same but can also be used to filter your day plan for the most critical items


Automatically set due dates or determine when it appears on your Prioritizer.

#today, #tomorrow, #nextweek, #nextmonth
#sunday, #monday, etc.
#nextsunday, #nextmonday, etc.
#nextfriday, #nextsaturday, etc.
#lastmonday, #lasttuesday, etc.
#1week, #2weeks, #3weeks
#1month, #2months, #3months, #6months
#yearend, #thisyear

Build habits and create recurring items

Create items that reappear daily.

#everyday #daily


You can create your own hashtags to automatically align any item with a specific goal/objective.

Build culture and tag special success

Give shout-outs, virtual pats on the back, and call attention to big accomplishments. Stats for these hashtags are visible in your teammates' profiles.

#kudos #highfive #high5 #win


Create goals and objectives.

#goal #objective

Create projects, milestone, and action items.

Create projects, milestones, and actions.

#project  #milestone #todo

Mark items complete

(aka "realized", a.k.a. "done")

#done #win

Raise a flag for help

You can use hashtags to ask for help from your teammates. 

#blocked #blocker

Record ideas

You can use hashtags to automatically add items to your idea incubator. 

#idea  #ideas

Prioritize with quadrants

When using the Importance and Urgency view on the day plan, automatically add items into their specific level of important/urgency

#quad1 #quadrant1

#quad2 #quadrant2

#quad3 #quadrant3

#quad4 #quadrant4

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